Do You Have a Slow Metabolism?

Image of two people, one fast metabolism and one slow metabolism

Do you have a slow metabolism? This is something that comes up quite often, as you’ll hear people talk about “man, my neighbor, Gary, that guy’s such an a hole. Ah, he can eat whatever you want. And he never seems to gain weight. He’s got such a fast metabolism. I wish I had a […]

Guilt Free Treats? Here’s How

How to eat Guilt Free Treats (Wouldn’t that be nice??) Life is filled with delicious food that we “shouldn’t” have. So how can you have guilt free treat or indulgence without feeling bad about it? Because I want you to eat delicious foods and to really enjoy it. Life is nothing without those blissful experiences, […]

Goal Setting — An Unseen Dark Side

Or alternatively, Welcome to Hogwarts! I will be your professor for Defense against the Dark Arts this year as we fend off the dark side of Goal Setting. Goal setting is incredibly important with health and fitness. Nothing of significance can be accomplished without some great goals. I usually do goal setting early on with […]

#1 Fear of People with Fat Loss Goals

The #1 FEAR I see all the time from people wanting fat loss– whether they mention it or not– is… “Can I even do this?” In fact, someone over on my FACEBOOK page just messaged me last week saying “I don’t even know if I can lose fat anymore” and that broke my heart. Change […]